string attribute

英 [strɪŋ əˈtrɪbjuːt] 美 [strɪŋ əˈtrɪbjuːt]

网络  字符串属性



  1. The details for the second extract show that the part of the name string up to the first comma gets copied to the lastName attribute of the Person object.
  2. These nodes always contain the user-agent string attribute, a fall_back device attribute, and a unique ID attribute.
  3. The key is a simple string with the type prefix ( set, before, or after) and the attribute or method name involved.
  4. It then parses the attribute string and extracts all of the properties for the WCF attribute.
  5. I then reference a specified form bean to the tags and iterate through a String [] array of radio button values, assigning an identical name attribute to each assigned value attribute.
  6. Here, the string for the text field must be any alpha character whose length is one or more characters up to a maximum of40, as specified in the inputText maxlength attribute.
  7. From the text box at the bottom of the page, copy and keep note of the part of the URL following the string? url= in the src attribute of the script tag.
  8. Unfortunately, JAXB failed to pick up on this and use a boolean data type& instead, the TopType class accepts any string value for this attribute.
  9. Giving variables a data type, even with something as generic as xs: string, traps the unexpected absence of the attribute& something that has saved my day more often than I would like to admit.
  10. You would recognize a self signed certificate by the fact that subject and issuer fields contain the same string while there is no certificate attribute set indicating this is a CA certificate.
  11. The string can be an opaque identifier, or it can be a URL pointing to the article, in which case the isPermaLink attribute should be set to true, and the feed reader interprets it as a link.
  12. Alternatively, when the value for the parameter should be a character string, you can omit the value attribute and provide the parameter value as the body content of the
  13. CurrPerson/@ name tells the engine to replace that string with the name attribute of the currPerson node, which is a variable defined in the iterate tag.
  14. The DOMWriter will store the correct encoding information which matches the actual encoding of the string in the encoding attribute of the XML declaration.
  15. Any string value can be placed in the custom attribute on the asset; however, the value is for searching and view-only purposes in the RAM clients.
  16. In this example, a private String attribute can also be declared in derived business object classes, called dbName, with the name of the appropriate database.
  17. It has an attribute," base", carrying the value "xsd: string", which indicates that the simple type" modelColor "has the functionality of the" string "type defined in the SOAP schema.
  18. Each stored attribute is a simple array of bytes, but it's possible to interpret the attribute as a Boolean, integer, or string attribute.
  19. The attrencode() function does the same operation and then replaces the "characters with" so the encoded string can be used as the value of an attribute.
  20. The view also provides a write ( String name, ByteBuffer source) method to create or alter an attribute, and also a delete ( String name) method to remove an existing attribute entirely.
  21. Error_message_on-returns the error string for the specified attribute of the object
  22. A private String attribute can be declared with the appropriate view name.
  23. To add information to the FileInfo object, you must call the add_string_attribute method.
  24. For example, perhaps you do not simply want to compare the attribute name to a string pattern, but actually look up whether the name is an attribute that has been stored in a persistent database.
  25. For example, the default for a String typed attribute is blank string.
  26. String is too long for the allowed maximum length ( { 0}) defined for this attribute.
  27. Therefore, when you choose to preserve the form and query string collection of the original page, you must set the EnableViewStateMac attribute of the Page directive to False for the destination page.
  28. And we take the technology of fuzzy query based on string match into reality which associated with attribute information of spatial database in GIS.
  29. To solve the problem of querying on encrypted string data in databases, an auxiliary index column is built for each attribute need to be encrypted, which will be used in two-phrase query.
  30. The thesis uses four index files to complete the content index& structure index: Chinese Character index, English string index, element index and attribute index.